Monday, July 19, 2010

My Most Special Reader

A guy sent me a long (read very very very long) email about a month back. It was simply the best thing I have ever received in my inbox. Just like 'You've Got Mail' both of us got hooked to exchanging these splendid mails which are full of our experiences, tastes, choices, habits and our idea about life in general.
I must admit, he is rather funny. My replies are mostly either complaints, suggestions, bland narration of what happened in the day (oh yeah! we write almost everyday to each other) or some other monotonous stuff like that. He on the other hand is amazing in his replies (though he needs to work on his sentence formation - he's not from an English speaking country), full of humor and wit, laden with comparisons and anecdotes, full of life.
This month he's busy with a lot of things and we're happy mailing to each other but I really can't wait for him to get free (which would be next month) and we hitting our first date. Do you think we should just go for a coffee date or should there be a little more spice to the whole thing :P
We're already added each other on FB (our real profiles) and have seen what each other is like but meeting a person for the first time is always an experience!

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